Change Log

Build 2024.07.0

Released May 7, 2024

Hand holding megaphone and text What's new

PantryEasy Admin Portal

Export Households

Reports -> Exports -> Household Export was enhanced with additional fields.  Receive SMS flag, Receive Email flag, and Service Location Name fields were added.  The Service Area Override column was removed since that is no longer used in PantryEasy.


Avoiding Gaps in Order Numbers

When shoppers place orders for a distribution the last 3 digits of the Order Number are sequential for the given distribution.  When the Pick List report is printed for a distribution, there can occasionally be gaps in the order numbers if orders were placed and later cancelled.  

There can be bigger gaps in order numbers if clients submit an order and later modify the order.  When an order is modified and resubmitted, a new order number was generated for the order.  This process has been changed.  If an order is modified, it will keep its original order number.


Shopping Site Home Page Banner fix

The admin portal’s Shopping Site customization screen gives admin the option to change the banner image that is displayed on the home page of the shopping site.  There was a bug that would not allow an existing image to be deleted so a new image can be uploaded to replace it.  This bug has been fixed.


Product Filtering fix

The Products screen has filters for Categories, Subcategories, and product Statuses.  The products displayed in the grid were not being filtered when an item was selected from any of the three filters.  This bug has been fixed.


Communication Template Overrides

Admin can override PantryEasy’s default communication templates.  When a user overrides a template, they can choose to have the override only apply to specific Locations or to all Locations.  If a pantry creates overrides for both a specific location and all other locations, the override for all other locations was not showing up in the list when a user tried to send a communication to a client on the Client – Communications screen.  This bug has been fixed.

PantryEasy Shopping Site

Product Subcategory limit correction

In the shopping site, the limit quantities for Categories appear in the SubCategory group header. In the screenshot, the SubCategory of “Cereals, Grains, Crackers and Bars” shows a limit of twenty-five (the parent Category of Dry Goods limit), but the limit in the Admin Portal under the SubCategory of “Cereals, Grains, Crackers and Bars” is showing four.  This display issue has been fixed.



“You will be logged out” warning

The shopping site has a warning that will display when the user is has been inactive for too long.  This warning lets the user know they will be logged out.  It was discovered that this warning message displays even if there is no user currently logged in.  The warning was changed to only display if a user is currently logged in.